Healing Your Inner Child Workshop – Limerick


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Inner child work is one of the deepest works in psychotherapy. The inner child is a huge part of your psyche that is playing a huge role in your life today as an adult. It impacts your relationships, your perceptions of the world, your job, and even your thoughts about yourself. If you have experienced trauma in your childhood, didn’t feel loved, your emotional needs were not met, or didn’t feel understood, visible, or safe, your Inner Child is going to be wounded, and as a result, you are constantly living in the survival mode.

Inner child healing is a way to address our needs that haven’t been met as children and heal the attachment wounds we’ve developed. We all have a younger part of ourselves that was never quite loved the right way or the way they needed as a child. Inner child work, like any type of inner work, involves creating a space where your subconscious is allowed to take the lead. Inner work is the act of going inside ourselves, to explore our true feelings and parts of us that may have been rejected and labeled as ‘inappropriate’ or ‘too much’ by others. By allowing ourselves time to go within, we begin peeling back our everyday coping mechanisms (being avoidant, numbing our feelings, etc.) and can fully accept and integrate
our subconscious into consciousness.

Inner Child Healing Workshop will involve:

  • Understanding the psychology of Inner Child work.
  • The embodiment of the Inner child healing.
  • Meditation helps the healing process.
  • Reparenting of your Inner Child.
  • Tools and tips that will help you continue the Inner child healing process.

If you have had enough of criticizing yourself, overthinking, feeling anxious, or afraid to be yourself, then this workshop is for you!
If you want to feel more worthy, good enough, and lovable then this workshop is for you! If you want to be more confident, and become more assertive then yes, this workshop is for you.
If you want to heal your old traumas and start to feel alive then this workshop is for you!

Please note that no personal sharing will be required. This is a very much inner journey. It is going to be confidential, private, and safe!

Additional information


02 September 2023, 30 September 2023, 21 October 2023, 18 November 2023